Meolo Winery

Via S. Filippo, 50
30020 Meolo (VE)

PHONE +39 0421 61046

Plant manager: Enol. Enrico Casarin
Collected grapes: kg. 9.049.270 (average annual)
Cantina di Meolo


It has been founded on April 9th, 1957, can count now on 380 producers members. Very active in its territory since its first foundation, in fact, already at the end of the 60s there were the first attempts at collaboration between wineries. Meolo Winery took part of the discussion about the constitution of the Economic Association of the wine producers of the Middle Eastern Veneto, headquartered in Venice.

Its objectives are: the representation and protection of wine production, the improvement of production techniques, the coordination between producers and the defense of the market.
Meolo Winery has collected the grapes coming from the territories of the municipalities of Meolo, Musile di Piave, Quarto d'Altino, Marcon, Fossalta di Piave in the county of Venice and Monastier, Roncade, San Biagio di Callalta Silea, Zenson of Piave and Carbonera in the county of Treviso.


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